What Are the HR Confidentiality Rules?

  HR has a responsibility to the employer as well as to employees. That’s why concerns about potential discrimination or harassment issues need to be balanced with limiting employer liability and guarding against lawsuits. Employees need to know that...

Occupational Safety and Health Act First-Aid Kits

The Occupational Safety and Health Act provides guidance and information on developing effective first-aid arrangements for every workplace. The purpose is to minimize the consequence of injury or illness until the services of a practitioner or nurse are obtained. For...

HSAs and FSAs: Are These Right for You?

As explained by the IRS, a health savings account(HSA) is a tax-exempt trust or custodial account used to “pay or reimburse certain medical expenses you incur; you must be an eligible individual to qualify for an HSA.” Companies don’t need...

When Do You Need an HR Staff?  

Small-business owners rarely see the immediate value of staffing a human resource generalist(HR). Actually, most principals take on many HR tasks themselves or delegate them to other employees — department heads, accountants or administrative assistants. Others will...

QSEHRA’S for Small Employers

QSEHRA’S “qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement” The 21st Century Cures Act mostly addresses pharmaceutical issues, but it also contains a provision that makes insurance costs easier to bear for small companies. As explained by...