Do It Right: Legal HR and Payroll Practices

Share Save Do It Right: Legal HR and Payroll PracticesAlthough employers set salaries, they don’t have completely free rein here. They do have to follow federal rules, and there can be serious consequences for violating them. Here are some steps employers should...

Learn the Secrets of Key Performance Indicators

  Key performance indicators are vital navigation instruments used to understand whether you are on course to success. Without KPIs, you’re like a pilot without instruments. Why? They shine a light on performance, letting you know what areas in your business...

Work from home & Virtual offices

Working from home adds flexibility to your work-life balance. Your employees won’t need to take a day off from work for a dentist’s appointment or a meeting with a child’s teacher — they can work around their personal tasks. Studies by Global...

When Should You Pay Your Employees More?

It is true that you do get what you pay for. For years, since the recession ended, companies have been pinching pennies to ensure they won’t face another downturn. But how can you reconcile this with salaries for new employees? Are there reasons you might want...

Must-Have Items for an Employee Handbook

Once you have more than a handful of employees, it’s time to publish an employee handbook that lays out what you expect as an employer, your company’s commitment to employment, as well as safety laws and regulations. An employee handbook can also protect you if you’re...

Confused About Time and Attendance Rules

There are a lot of misunderstandings about what employers have to do — as opposed to what is simply customary — for nonexempt employees. “Nonexempt” typically refers to employees who are not managerial and who thus are generally subject to the Fair Labor...