Workers’ Comp

Spend smarter for protection.

One of the costs of doing business is maintaining a workers’ compensation insurance policy–and if you’re paying your insurance company in two or three annual installments, it could be costing you.

Workers’ comp pay-as-you-go spreads premium installments across the entire year by tying directly to the total wages of each payroll. The premium payment is made every payroll cycle, all but eliminating over or underpayment. Remove the impact that large premium payments may have on cash flow and let us work with your insurance carrier to help you manage the premium payments, while we manage your payroll.

Workers’ comp premiums are determined by the classification of the employees (what kind of work they perform) and a set $ amount per $100 of payroll. Payments are based on estimated employee wage, which can reduce over or underpayments. 

Improve cash flow through per-pay-period premium installments

Minimize year-end adjustments and surprises

Eliminate the guesswork, pay for actual wages paid



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Getting started is only a conversation away.

Payroll Management, Inc.

550 Center Street STE 1210
P.O. Box 1837
Auburn, ME 04211-1837