DOL Clarifies Travel Time Pay

In 2018, the U.S. Department of Labor published an opinion letter, clarifying travel time pay for nonexempt hourly employees. This is often a confounding matter for employers because whether travel time is work time depends on the type of travel and when it...

2018 Tax Wrap-Up

The tax reform passed at the end of 2017 runs to about 70,000 words. It’s a large and complicated piece of legislation, and we can look forward to additional guidance and clarifications. For now, here are summaries of some of the key provisions impacting 2018...

Can You Make All Employees Nonexempt?

To be exempt from the minimum wage and overtime pay requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act, an employee must pass the FLSA job duties test (specific to his or her position) and receive no less than a certain amount of pay. For some positions, there is no minimum...

Inclement Weather and Your Payroll Obligations

Hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, blizzards, floods and other weather-related disasters can cause inclement weather closures. But even if one of these calamities causes your business to close, your employees must still be paid on their next regularly scheduled payday if...