We’ve had a request for a religious accommodation, but I think the employee wants to get out of following the policy for other reasons. How do I determine whether a religious belief is legitimate and sincerely held?

Ordinarily, you should assume that an employee’s request for a religious accommodation is based on a sincerely held religious belief, observance, or practice. The definition of religion is broad and protects beliefs, observances, and practices you may not be familiar...

We’re not bound by any law requiring us to conduct background checks, but we choose to do them for all new hires. Should we also do them when we rehire an employee?

Answered by the HR Experts It’s up to you. Conducting a background check when hiring a former employee would keep the process simple and straightforward. Every exception you add to a process gives you something else to remember—and potentially forget! That said, you...

Law Alert: Annual OSHA Form 300A Posting

Annual OSHA Form 300A Posting Begins February 1, Expanded Electronic Reporting Due March 2 Form 300A Workplace Posting Begins February 1 Covered employers that had 11 or more employees at any point in 2023 are required to post Occupational Safety and Health...

What is mentoring in the workplace?

Answered by the HR Experts Mentoring is a professional relationship between a senior or more experienced employee (the mentor) and a newer or less experienced one (the mentee). The mentor shares their knowledge and experience, offering guidance, advice, feedback, and...

Can we store completed Forms I-9 electronically?

Answered by the HR Experts Yes, you can store completed Forms I-9 electronically. However, per U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services any electronic storage system must include the following: Reasonable controls to ensure the system’s integrity, accuracy, and...

Can we ask employees if they are taking any medications that may impair their abilities to do their job?

Answered by the HR Experts: Generally, no. The Americans with Disabilities Act restricts employers from asking medical questions of employees and protects the privacy of medical information. Asking about prescription medications would fall into the category of a...