Federal Law Alert: Pregnant Workers Fairness Act – Final Regulations Published

The final rule for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), which applies to employers with 15 or more employees, has been published and takes effect June 18, 2024. With over 100 pages of preamble, regulations, and interpretive guidance, there’s obviously a lot to...

A remote employee told us they were injured at home during their workday. What are our responsibilities?

When an employee informs you that they were injured while working from home, take the claim seriously and follow your usual procedure for a workplace injury. Here are the steps we recommend: Thank them for letting you know about the injury and ask if they need medical...

Maine Law Alert: Maine Veterans’ Benefits and Services Poster Now Available

In June of 2023, Maine passed a law requiring that employers with more than 50 full-time equivalent employees display a yet-to-be-created poster about veterans’ benefits and services. Well, the time has come—it’s been created! This poster needs to be displayed in a...

What are whistleblower protections?

Whistleblowing occurs when an employee reports wrongdoing (dangerous, illegal, or unethical activity or practices by the company or its employees) either directly to the employer or to an outside authority. Many laws, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act,...

What’s the difference between a furlough and a layoff?

Answered by the HR Experts Furloughs and layoffs are ways to reduce labor costs during times of economic hardship. They both involve a loss of work for employees, but there is a key difference between them. A furlough continues employment but reduces scheduled hours...

A remote employee’s roommate has been disrupting their work to the point that their performance is suffering. How should we handle this?

Answered by the HR Experts This situation should be handled the same way you’d manage most work disruptions affecting an employee’s performance. Start by having a conversation with the employee about the disruption and explaining your concerns and performance...