If an employee runs out of paid time off, do we have to allow them to take unpaid time off?

It depends on why your employee needs the unpaid time off and what you’ve done in the past. In some situations, such as those that would be covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, or a similar state...

What do we do if we find a discrepancy in a background check?

It depends on the seriousness of the discrepancy, whether the information is pertinent to the job itself, and whether the candidate would be ineligible for the position. You probably don’t need to make an issue of a minor variance like a candidate telling you they...

We are looking to implement formal training programs. What types of training would you recommend we have for all employees?

Employee training is going to vary from industry to industry, but there are some types of training we recommend for all employers: Harassment prevention training explains what harassment is and how to avoid it, how to recognize inappropriate and unlawful behavior, and...

Navigating AI: A Guide for HR Professionals

Are you using an AI tool to help you with your work tasks? Have you considered doing so? If so, read on. There are advantages to be had and risks to note. According to a Glassdoor report, in the year after the launch of ChatGPT, usage of that tool or those like it by...

Can we store completed Forms I-9 electronically?

Answered by the HR Experts Yes, you can store completed Forms I-9 electronically. However, per U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services any electronic storage system must include the following: Reasonable controls to ensure the system’s integrity, accuracy, and...

Seven Tips for Effective Meetings

Are your meetings an occasion for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and getting things done? Or are they a waste of time and a cause of needless frustration? Follow these tips to make every minute count! If you want to get a snapshot of your organization’s...